Source code for tocoli.ratio

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from tocoli.cmp import comparable
from Levenshtein import ratio as levenshtein

[docs]def count_equal_chars(str1, str2): return len(set(str1) & set(str2))
[docs]class Nominator: MIN = 'min' MAX = 'max'
[docs]def equal(str1, str2, nominator='max'): """A simple ratio function based on the equality.""" e = count_equal_chars(str1, str2) if nominator == Nominator.MAX: l = max(len(str1), len(str2)) else: l = min(len(str1), len(str2)) if l == 0: return 1.0 if e == 0 else 0.0 else: return e / float(l)
[docs]def meta(str1, str2, ratios, weights): """A meta ratio function. Returns a weighted meta ratio. The Wiesendahl ratio is a meta ratio which combines a weighted ratio of given ratio functions. Args: str1 (str): first string str2 (str): second string ratios (list(function(str, str) -> float)): ratio functions This parameter is a list of ratio functions. weights (list(float)): list of weights Each weight gets applied to its corresponding function. Returns: float: the combined and weighted meta ratio """ c = 0 r = 0.0 for i, fn in enumerate(ratios): r += fn(str1, str2) * weights[i] c += weights[i] return r / float(c)
[docs]def similarity(str1, str2, weights=(1, 1), case_sensitive=True): s1, s2 = comparable(str1, str2, case_sensitive) return meta(s1, s2, ratios=(equal, levenshtein), weights=weights)
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[docs]def median(list): m, r = divmod(len(list), 2) if r: return sorted(list)[m] return sum(sorted(list)[m-1:m+1]) / 2.0